
Introducing the International Journal for Water Equity and Justice (IJWEJ)

Over the past decade, The Journal of Gender and Water (wH2O) has presented critical work at the intersection of global water and gender challenges, playing an integral role in advancing the conversation on this topic. With over 28,000 downloads from 183 countries, the journal's growth is a testament to its continuity and consistency, as well as the significance of its subject matter.

We are excited to share with our readers and authors that wH2O has undergone a comprehensive rebranding effort. The journal's new name, The International Journal for Water Equity and Justice (IJWEJ), reflects a broader mission to advance scholarship and work that promotes not only gender equity, but also expands its scope to include issues around equitable access to water resources and environmental justice. The reimagined journal addresses topics such as water policy, governance, sustainable water management, and the intersection of water and social justice. IJWEJ aims to create conditions for innovation, catalyze theoretical and applied research, and serve as a platform for exchange of information to solve critical water problems. The journal will include original contributions, research, analysis, review, and commentary, as well as multimodal publications such as photo essays and videos.

We are committed to publishing rigorous and impactful scholarship as well as content that is relevant to scholars, policymakers, practitioners, and newcomers alike. We seek to bring forward the voices of practitioners, and to amplify the voices of the unheard, including marginalized communities, such that their input and engagement may result in better and more sustainable solutions to global, regional, and local water issues.

We believe that this rebranding effort will help us better serve our audience and advance our mission of promoting water equity and justice globally. We look forward to receiving your submissions and continuing to work with you to promote this important cause.

Howard Neukrug,
Executive Director, The Water Center at Penn

Debbie Heuckeroth,
President, Global Water Alliance

Social Grammars of Virtuality is the first, regular publication dedicated to providing a high-level, critical summary of social science extended reality (XR) research. This report is intended as a free resource for the global community of researchers and practitioners wishing to better understand the social fabric and communicative dynamics around XR experiences, including virtual, augmented, and mixed reality. In this publication readers can find a systematic mapping of the intellectual, geographic, and funding sources of XR social science research. Readers can also access a summary of cutting-edge, social science advances in XR theories, methods, technological innovations, and language. Social Grammars of Virtuality is published annually and at present, there is a version of the publication in English and Spanish.

Series Editor Katerina Girginova
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Social Grammars of Virtuality es la primera publicación regular dedicada a proporcionar un resumen crítico de alto nivel sobre la investigación de realidad extendida (XR) de las ciencias sociales. Este informe pretende ser un recurso gratuito para la comunidad global de investigadores y profesionales que deseen comprender mejor el tejido social y la dinámica comunicativa en torno a las experiencias XR, incluida la realidad virtual, aumentada y mixta. En esta publicación, los lectores pueden encontrar un mapeo sistemático de las fuentes intelectuales, geográficas y de financiamiento de la investigación en ciencias sociales sobre XR. Los lectores también pueden acceder a un resumen de los avances de las ciencias sociales de vanguardia en teorías, métodos, innovaciones tecnológicas y lenguaje de XR. Social Grammars of Virtuality se publica anualmente y en la actualidad existe una versión de la publicación en inglés y español.

Katerina Girginova, editora de la serie
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Welcome to the new website for Bibliotheca Dantesca, the international peer-reviewed open-access journal dedicated to Dante studies. Bibliotheca Dantesca invites essays related to Dante and Dante’s reception through the centuries, from the late Middle Ages to modern times, and from a variety of perspectives, including Mediterranean studies, gender studies, history of emotion, African-American studies, material history, influence on nationalism, “Italianity,” digital humanities, environmental studies, to mention a few.


Six years after our first volume, it was time for a new platform to best serve our promise to provide cutting-edge scholarship on Dante Alighieri and his reception with a widely interdisciplinary perspective and open to the latest technological possibilities a virtual presence offers. Started as a graduate-led journal, Bibliotheca Dantesca has grown significantly with new members of the Editorial Board; the Managing Team now welcomes members from different institutions in Europe and North America. This journal is part of the Italian program at the University of Pennsylvania (as a member of the Department of Francophone, Italian, and Germanic Studies), with the involvement of graduate and undergraduate students at the University. It cooperates closely with the Center for Italian Studies, Penn Libraries, and Price Lab for Digital Humanities at the University of Pennsylvania.


Volume 6 inaugurates our new website. You can find our previous volumes on the former platform (linked on the right), with the promise of uploading them here as soon as possible. If you need help finding older articles, please contact us directly.


For all inquiries, please contact:


Bibliotheca Dantesca is proudly an open-access journal. All publications are released under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License: CC BY 4.0