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Vol. 6 Articles in PDF
22 resources. Showing results 1 through 10.
Uploaded UploadedAnna Pegoretti, "Dante on the Border (Trento, 1890-1921)"
UploadedDaragh O'Connell, "Kicking with the Other Foot: Dante in Ireland, between Sectarianism and Nationalism"
UploadedFederica Coluzzi & Tristan Kay, "Introduction. Looking Back to Look Forward: Dante Centenaries, Then and Now"
UploadedFederica Coluzzi, "Dante versus Beatrice: Feminist Approaches to the 1865-1890 Centenaries"
UploadedFulvio Conti, "Da simbolo d’italianità a icona universale: Dante nel settimo centenario della nascita (1965)"
UploadedGeorge Corbett, "Beatrice 'Is Not a Woman': Symbolic and Realist Interpretations of Dante’s Beatrice in the 1930s"
UploadedGiacomo Berchi, “Lo discorrer di Dio sovra quest’acque”: Dante, Ulysses, and the Creation of the World (Par. 29.17-21)
UploadedHeather Webb, "A Non-Italian Dante in 2021: Senegal, U.S.A., U.K."
UploadedKristen Keach, "Intimate Codes of Heaven and Hell: Robert Rauschenberg, Jasper Johns, and Dante Alighieri’s Commedia"
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